Saturday, April 4, 2015

Insanity Max 30 Results!

Hey guys!  It's been a while.  I'm new to this blogging thing and I keep thinking that I should wait to write until I'm inspired with some amazing way to write what I have to say....that has not been I just decided to say what's on my heart:) 

My husband and I, along with a group of about 25 other friends decided to commit to do Insanity Max's an 8 week program.  I wanted to fully complete a program, and I was so excited that so many others wanted to do it with us!  If you haven't ever done a program with Shaun T. as your trainer, you are missing out!  He is so encouraging and really has a way of pushing you in those moments when you really just want to give up!  He says several times in this program that it is so much more than a work out, this is your life; that always pumped me up!

The program is 5 days a week, 30 minute workouts....the name is appropriate, they are insane!  By far the hardest workouts that I have ever done!  The goal is to max you go as hard as you can keeping the correct form for as long as you can...when your form starts to slip or you need a quick break, you take it and that's your max out time.  You are competing with yourself each week for better times.  After the first month you start a second month of workouts that are even more challenging...but you are prepared from the first month!  I have never done so many push ups in my life.  The tough part for me is the non-stop cardio...I'm not a cardio fan, but since the workouts were 30 minutes I could do it.  Some days were much harder than others, that's for sure!  Between the kiddos and all of the other busyness...there were days that I didn't want to commit to the 30 minutes, but I had my challenge group and Jake encouraging me, and the days where they needed the encouragement I could be the strong one!  Our challenge group was so awesome, the guys of the group had some bets going on which made it more fun for the group.  This program is great for the competitive person for sure!!  I did have a few days where I was sick, and had to listen to my body and take a day off. I made up the workouts though at the time I felt like a failure when I skipped.  I had to remind myself that failure would mean giving up, and I wasn't about to do that...that's the biggest difference in my life in general now days...I don't let small failures derail my ultimate success, and that my friends feels good!  It's all about not quitting...and that is coming from a girl that used to always quit! It's a breath of fresh air to me.  I always thought that succeeding was being perfect, but it is not that at all, it is taking those little bumps in the road and still finishing what you set out to do!  If I could go back to my teenage self and tell her that I would, but you live and learn, and I'm thankful that I know now!

My eating was not on point!  I had my good and bad days...I had this weird thinking that since I was killing myself with the hardest workouts I have ever done, that I deserved pizza, or Mexican food...then I would feel like crap, and get back on track.  I did drink my Shakeology everyday and I know that kept me on track, and gave me the nutrients that I needed to do the workouts and recover from them.  I would say my eating was about a 7, I know that my results would have been even better, but I'm sharing the truth:) 

Here are some fun pics from our Insanity max journey, we posted sweaty pics with our max out times!  The kids really got into it too...some days haha! 

I don't have any dramatic result pictures, but I can tell you that I am so much stronger and in the best shape I have ever been in!  I can do a lot of push ups, and some crazy fun moves from Shaun T.  I noticed the difference when I went to do a class called pound that I did before I started insanity several times.  Its a tough class, and I rocked it like I never have, so that was really cool.  I just started 21 day fix extreme, which being honest, I was nervous to do.  I saw the preview for it and it looked really hard!  I can tell you, almost a week into it, I can do those workouts!  It feels so good to not be intimidated to try any workout out there now!  Its all about trying everyday and getting better!  Everyone of course wants results from their hard work and to feel really good in their clothes and a bathing suit...but the coolest part for me, is completing something and not giving up!  I credit my challengers and fellow Beachbody coaches for their accountability!  Ok so here are my result pics, like I said, nothing drastic, but I feel so good! 

These are my before and after pictures from doing T25, and 21 day fix.
The pictures on the left are about a month into the program, and the swim suit pic is my final after!
I'm so proud that we finished!  I'm doing 21 day fix Extreme right now to prepare for my Beachbody trip to Cancun in 2 weeks, so be looking for that result post next!  If you want to start and finish a program email me at, or you can follow me on Facebook and message me there.  I run monthly challenges and would love to help you find a program that you love, and more importantly help you finish!   Thanks for reading!!